Solitaire Group is committed to deliver high quality projects through unparalleled expertise and years of experience. The process of construction is closely monitored by our expert teams comprising of engineers and quality assurance and HSE managers, from the outset till the completion of the projects. At Solitaire we continue to develop and market the finest projects in the most prominent locations of the country.
The quality assurance and control is established through:
Health, safety and environment are intrinsic to policy making at Solitaire. HSE comprises of safety guidelines for employees at offices and construction sites alike. Safety measures at construction sites include equipment handling guidelines, provision of safety garments such as water and heat resistant apparel, and working in close proximity with workers for updated on site safety conditions. HSE also encompasses promotion of health awareness information and campaigns. Health related presentations are held at our main office in accordance with various world health awareness days. The health maintenance strategies are aimed for the optimum physical as well as mental well-being of employees that creates working environment that is conducive for personal and professional growth....
Solitaire Group’s policy development is based upon the fundamentals of environmental protection and preservation. The environmental policies have evolved overtime owing to increased awareness about sustainable development goals. Our latest projects have been designed according to the principles of biophilia. Widespread installation of renewable energy technologies such as windmills and solar panels has been observed over the past few years. We are committed to provide sustainable living solutions to our customers.